Oslofjord Varme is a Norwegian district heating company that builds, owns and operates district heating and cooling systems
Oslofjord Varme is a Norwegian district heating company that builds, owns and operates district heating and cooling systems in the Fornebu, Lysaker and Sandvika areas of the Greater Oslo region. The company also holds joint-venture interests in Drammen Fjernvarme (50%) and Fredrikstad Fjernvarme (57%).
Oslofjord Varme was founded in 1989 and, including the joint-ventures, has annual heating sales of c. 376 GWh and cooling sales of c. 63 GWh. The combined cooling and heating networks have a total length of 119 kilometers.
Oslofjord Varme AS is co-owned by a consortium of Infranode, KLP and Vauban Infrastructure Partners, an affiliate of Natixis Investment Managers.
Assessed Societal Contribution
Oslofjord Varme AS societal contribution, i.e. how their products and/or services help solve challenges expressed as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), is illustrated with the relevant icons below.
Investment date: April 2018
Country: Norway
Sector: District heating